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  • October2016

    Hai Liya hired China's first ropes Dr. Ning Fanggang as a consultant, and signed a cooperation agreement.
  • August2016

    Hai Liya Huakai Marine Technology Co., Ltd. R & D, production of special rope supporting China's "deep sea" project million meters deep submarine mother ship "exploration on the 1st" scientific research ship to achieve the successful deployment of domestic seismograph, and the depth of the first 7731 meters.
  • July2016

    Hai Liya Chairman Zhang Xuming and the British TTI Chairman Nick O'Hear, National "thousands of people plan" specialists, Qingdao University of nonwovens and industrial textiles innovation research institute president Ning new signed a strategic cooperation agreement.
  • May2016

    Hai Liya billion and Haili Security Technology Co., Ltd. to participate in the Beijing Children's Theater in front of the National Center for earthquake disaster reduction activities, the company independent research and development of the "mobile emergency safety experience Museum" for the first time out of Shandong, public welfare for students universal emergency safety Knowledge and skills.
  • May2016

    Qingdao City in 2016 City to do one of the practical things - emergency experience education and training 80,000 primary and secondary students, held in Huangdao start ceremony, Hai Liya Group Chairman Zhang Xuming invited to attend the event. Hai Liya Emergency Safety Management Consulting Co., Ltd. to undertake and complete the 68,000 primary and secondary school students training tasks.
  • March2016

    National emergency management expert group leader flash Chunchang, national safety production emergency rescue command center deputy director Wang Haijun, Shandong Provincial Security Supervision Bureau Fu Wei visited Hai Liya inspection, research.


  • December2015

    Hai Liya Group billion and Haili Security Technology Co., Ltd. "peace of mind" trademark through the 2015 "Shandong famous brand" that at the same time through the "Qingdao famous brand" that.
  • November2015

    Hai Liya Huakai Marine Technology Co., Ltd. R & D, production of the "dragon" brand submarine cable, escort national marine comprehensive scientific research ship "Science" to complete the Western Pacific inspection, and laying a new submarine cable, lay The "dragon" potential standard rope in the marine scientific research in the field of leadership.
  • 11.262015

    Hai Liya Huakai Marine Technology Co., Ltd. through the national "high-tech enterprises" that.
  • 10.222015

    Hai Liya Huakai Marine Technology Co., Ltd. was awarded the demonstration base for the application and promotion of functional special rope technology in Qingdao. The city only 6 units won the award.
  • 09.232015

    The Ministry of Civil Affairs Emergency Rescue Promotion Center Emergency Rescue Professional Skills Identification Center authorized, Hai Liya Emergency Safety Management Consulting Co., Ltd. to become a national emergency relief (Qingdao) training station. Up to now, the training center has successfully held nine training courses, training nearly 500 national emergency relief staff.
  • 09.102015

    (Standard: DB37 / T2686-2015), which laid the foundation for the development of fire safety emergency products market in Shandong Province, which was prepared by Hai Liya Yili and Haili Security Technology Co., Ltd. in Shandong Province.
  • July2015

    "         Peace of mind emergency" project won the third session of the Chinese women charity model ten female public welfare brand project.
               Hai Liya Chairman Zhang Xuming won the "Qingdao Mayor Quality Award".
  • 06.082015

    Hai Liya Emergency Safety Management Consulting Co., Ltd. to increase the first domestic subway experience project. Since the opening, has been for the whole society for 15,000 people to carry out subway emergency safety knowledge and skills.
  • May2015

    Hai Liya in the country's first campus emergency safety Games, so that emergency safety education and education in the entertainment, effectively enhance the students' emergency safety knowledge and skills.
  • 04.162015

    Qingdao City, concerned about the next generation of work committee youth safety education practice base officially settled in Hai Liya, while the company set up the Group concerned about the next generation of work committee.
  • 03.242015

    Hai Liya billion and Haili Security Technology Co., Ltd. by virtue of a good reputation, excellent technology, China earthquake emergency search and rescue center under the China International Rescue Team and the National Earthquake Emergency rescue training base in China's first training and rescue rope suppliers.
  • January2015

    Hai Liya Emergency Safety Management Consulting Co., Ltd. will be the first "emergency first responders" training courses to the community, has entered the enterprises and institutions, communities, schools and other nearly 30,000 people to teach, to produce a good economy And social benefits. "Emergency first responders" training has also been included in the city of Qingdao City, "2015 top ten practical" government procurement projects.


  • 12.132014

    Mr. Francois Bignon, Member of the International Committee of the Red Cross Society, accompanied by Li Ran, executive vice president of the Red Cross Society of Qingdao, came to visit Hai Liya.
  • 11.262014

    Shandong Province Fire Corps captain Ma Xianhong visit Hai Liya study. In the company to be highly affirmed at the same time, the company's emergency safety industry to be strategic guidance.
  • 11.212014

    Hai Liya Huakai Marine Technology Co., Ltd. developed the potential of the rope to help the "science" to study the successful completion of the Western Pacific expedition, successfully returned to Qingdao.
  • September2014

    Hai Liya billion and Haili Security Technology Co., Ltd. by the Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau commissioned by the Beijing family emergency supplies reserve government procurement projects, and was named "Beijing family emergency reserve suppliers." China Central Television set a "news 1 + 1" column, to be reported.
  • 08.022014

    By the Hai Liya hosted the "China special rope and emergency safety industry Summit Forum" was held. The announcement of the succession of the third generation of high-rise buildings in China was jointly developed by Hai Liya Group and Qingdao University. At the same time, China Aerospace Science and Technology Group's China Space Technology Research Institute 508 signed a "strategic cooperation framework agreement" with the base.
  • 08.022014

    Hai Liya set up Qingdao emergency safety education and training center, have been awarded the Shandong Province earthquake disaster reduction science education base, Qingdao City Board of Education primary and secondary emergency safety experience training base, Qingdao City, concerned about the next generation of work committee youth safety education practice base, Education base and so on.
  • 07.292014

    When he was appointed deputy secretary of the Qingdao Municipal Committee and mayor Zhang Xinqi, accompanied by Zhang Jing, Mayor of Qingdao North District Party Committee, and Huajinan, the mayor of the North District, visited the work of Hai Liya to actively respond to market changes and adhere to the ideas of innovation and development. Initiatives and achievements to be sure.
  • 07.082014

    Qingdao Hai Liya Group Co., Ltd. was incorporated.
  • 05.212014

    China High-tech Industrialization Research Association special rope and emergency safety industry research and development base settled in Hai Liya Group. Base under the "special rope R & D promotion center", "emergency safety industry research and development promotion center" "emergency safety experience training center".
  • 04.152014

    China's 30th Antarctic scientific expedition, in the Antarctic Peninsula waters and the Prydz Bay waters of the ocean expedition, the first release of the anti-glacier collision structure of the marine potential standard rope, by the Hai Liya Huakai Marine Technology Co., Ltd. Supporting.


  • 12.312013

    The company successfully made "the Chinese Academy of Sciences strategic pilot technology special - marine special equipment bidding project", to provide 10 million yuan of scientific research standard special rope and technical support, which is by far the world's largest special potential rope Cable project.
  • 12.312013

    Shandong Provincial Party Committee, Qingdao Municipal Party Committee Secretary Li Qun visit company inspection work, and give "small Haili, big hope; small Hai Li, a large professional; small Hai Li, big development" highly praised.
  • 08.132013

    Registered Qingdao Huakai Marine Technology Co., Ltd.
  • 03.022013

    The company's emergency self-help training course for the first time on the National School of Administration of the podium.
  • 01.282013

    The company signed a procurement contract with the State Oceanic Administration First Marine Research Institute signed an 8200-meter submersible rope to achieve a breakthrough in the standard ropes.


  • 10.102012

    "Hai Li rope to help the dragon emergency self-help people's livelihood - and the company's 90th anniversary celebration" in Qingdao City, the first floor of the new building hall held multi-function hall, Qingdao Municipal Committee, Vice Mayor Wang Guangzheng, Qingdao Municipal People's Congress deputy director Wu Shuling, deputy director of the State Oceanic Administration Bureau of the North Sea, the national "dragon" deep potential experimental temporary party secretary, deputy commander Liu Xincheng, "dragon" sailor Tang Jialing attended the ceremony.
  • 06.272012

    Enterprise marine special rope to help "dragon" manned submersible dive depth of 7062 meters, marking the company's R & D and production of special rope to the international advanced level, the successful replacement of imported products.


  • 07.282011

    Enterprises for the "dragon" manned submersible R & D and production of special rope, the first time in the Pacific deep dive in the dive depth of 5188 meters.


  • December2010

    Registered Haili Emergency Safety Management Consulting Co., Ltd.


  • 12.152006

    Registered Qingdao billion and Haili Security Technology Co., Ltd.


  • July2004

    Haili Industrial Park Phase I project completed and started production. 14, December 27, 2004, according to "on the Qingdao Haili Lace Ribbon Co., Ltd. net assets to sell the word zero" Green State Assets [2004] No. 9 document spirit, the new company for industrial and commercial registration, the company by the state-owned enterprises Restructuring for the joint-stock enterprises.


  • June2003

    Held the groundbreaking ceremony of Haili Industrial Park. In October, Haili Industrial Park Phase I project (area of 2,400 square meters) project officially started.


  • April1998

    Qingdao Hairun Industrial Corporation changed its name to Qingdao Haili Lace Ribbon Co., Ltd.


  • October1997

    Enterprises were merged with Qingdao eighth cotton mill.


  • March1993

    Qingdao lace factory changed its name to Qingdao Hairun Industrial Corporation.


  • December1991

    State-owned Qingdao lace factory changed its name to Qingdao lace factory.


  • October1977

    Enterprise changed its name to state-run Qingdao lace factory.
  • April1977

    Enterprises for the Chinese People's Liberation Army logistics headquarters R & D and production Navy Ribbon, in the design of raw materials and structural innovation by the Ministry of Light Industry Ministry of recognition. Continuous production for more than ten years, to become a classic of the times.


  • February1967

    Enterprise renamed the East Red Ribbon Factory.


  • April1956

    "Together" to achieve the company joint venture.


  • autumn1933

    "Association" winning streak, in the competition to grow and develop, products throughout the Jiangbei provinces, occupation of the Longhai along the line, then "Jiangbei first" said.


  • July1929

    Cassia lace plant to expand the dyeing capacity, increase color, to the market put more than 20 varieties, more than 80 kinds of colors, product reputation.


  • autumn1922

    Hao Han-sheng by the Jinan Association of the Department Store into a department store chairman Duan Jichuan care, went to Qingdao to build a joint lace factory. To the winter began trial production Wuzhang rope.
